Tuesday, January 29, 2019

QUEBEC - DAY 100 - SEP 10

From my overnight stay in the suburbs I meandered into Quebec City, specifically old town Quebec. I don't remember my high school classes ever covering any detailed history of Canada, or maybe I wasn't paying attention, but history runs deep and goes way back. In fact, there is evidence that vikings landed in Newfoundland. 

One could spend weeks in this vibrant, beautiful, historical city. For me, I'm glad I bicycled around instead of walking, because this place is very hilly and I'm more in tune with the pedaling currently. Old Quebec is surrounded by a wall that originally dates back to the 1600's, except for a portion that is on a cliff overlooking the Saint Lawrence River. I did take a fairly short walk going outside of the wall and it hurt! This is the Provincial Capital of the Province of Quebec and there are lots of government buildings and many modern structures as well.

I am spending 2 nights at an International Hostel inside the old walled city. The second day was rainy, so I was glad to get the photos I did on the first day when it was cloudy, but no rain. You see something fantastic and go around a corner and a view even more grand is there to meet you. I nearly ran out of film! 



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