Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Saguenay is a big town, not that beautiful, but I didn't see all of it even though I stayed an extra day. On my day off, I did manage to find a sporting goods store that had a pair of Time mtb cleats. Mine were worn to a nub, especially the right one. It's more a problem of the rubber on the bottom of the shoes wearing down and letting the cleat touch the ground when I walk or just stand. It's a great design to insure obsolescence of shoes requiring a new purchase.

I decided not to go further north around Lac Saint Jean, but to head south directly to Quebec City. There is Route 175 that is a straight shot of about 130 miles. I figured I'd find something along the way, either a motel or worst case, a campground. I left late on a very cool day. I really blew the planning on this day, because there was nothing out there except a gas station about half way. After about 45 miles, temps were hovering in the high 40's and it was getting late. I stopped and stuck my thumb out.

I'm either the luckiest guy in the world or the Canadians are a breed apart or both. I stood there maybe 20 seconds and a 4-door pickup towing a small trailer, (perfect for holding a touring bike), stopped and there was no question that I was going with them. This couple, Fabian and Louise, were returning from a camping trip and live in a suburb of Quebec City. They spoke enough English to warn me about the "big" dog in the back seat where I would be sitting. After we loaded the bike, I got in and the cutest Jack Russel terrier, named Flash, greeted me with kisses and proceeded to sit in my lap for the entire 80 mile trip.  

When we got closer, Fabian asked me where I wanted to go. I said, any convenient motel. I'm pretty sure that they had already decided to invite me over for the night, and so they did. A little dinner and wine and I showed them my Iceland pictures. There is a picture of Fabian holding the pooch and Louise off to work as a hospital administrator at 6:00 AM. You will never meet nicer people.

Route 175 is a beautiful highway, like our freeways, but with much less traffic and a nice wide shoulder separated from the traffic lanes by a dug-in rumble strip.



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