Tuesday, January 29, 2019

MAINE - DAY 106 - SEP 16

During my pleasant stay in Dover-Foxcroft, I verbally reserved a car in Bangor, Maine, my day's destination. It wasn't a solid commitment, so I had all day to mull this decision over. I could have changed my mind and continue bicycle touring down through New England to near Philadelphia, where I wanted to visit several cousins, or I could fly home from Bangor, either shipping my bike or flying with it as check through baggage. Decisions, decisions!

It was another pleasant day, not too difficult, and I went directly to the airport where the car rental was located. They had me waiting about 4 hours, so I went and got a room for the night. I got a call that the car was ready and I had already taken my panniers off of the bike and was pedaling the 3 miles or so back to the airport. About 100 yards from the terminal I ran over something and in short order the rear tire was flat. I continued pedaling and walked the last little bit. Can you believe it? After almost 3300 miles I get my first flat just as I'm preparing to quit the ride and rent a car! If you know me, you know I won't assign any magical intervention to this very weird coincidence, but it did give me pause.

In any case, I got upgraded gratis to a little bigger and nicer car, and the fix was in. My plan is to visit Acadia National Park for starters, head down and visit cousins, and then slowly make my way across the country. I may stop and have a bicycle ride or hike on the way, but I don't think the pictures and blogging will be as voluminous. An epilogue is forthcoming. Hope you enjoyed the bicycle tour.



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